QE1 New Regulations

QE1 New Regulations- two sittings

November 2012 Examinations

APT Financial Management 2011 Programme

1. The APT Files are being couried to ICAZ. Please liase with ICAZ to collect your APT file.
2. Attached is the work programme download it here. Please study this work programme very carefully. It sets out the deliverables and the timelines of the  programme. The 2011 programme is different to the 2010 programme, so please pay careful attention to the workings of the course.
3. There is ONE examination and ONE simulated/mock examination. These will be written at the ICAZ facilities. ICAZ will facilitate the exams in Zimbabwe on the dates specified on behalf of APT.
4. Attached is module 1“ introduction module. This module is in your APT file, but is attached for completeness purposes. Please read this module as it sets out the course requirements and pass/fail requirements.
5.The first deliverable is case study 1 (see work programme). The due date for this deliverable is 28 June 2011 (see work programme). You will not require your APT file for this case study.